Where to buy coin sorters machines in Madrid and Barcelona.
Both in Madrid and Barcelona you can purchase the Counter 800 coin sorter. The Counter 800 sorts coins by value and/or denomination. It sorts the coins into coin receiving drawers and indicates the total count value and the partial counts by coin denomination.
The machine has add and datch function, the add function consists of accumulating the value of the previous count and adding it to the current count, the datch function consists of stopping the count at a preset value set by the user.
In addition, the Counter 800 allows the direct installation of tubes to facilitate the preparation of blister packs or cartridges for entry into the bank or cash company. The kit with tubes is sold with 8 tubes, one for each Euro denomination.
Other features of the Counter 800:
- Speed: 270 coins per minute.
- Hooper capacity: 400 coins.
- Coin drawers capacity: 100/300 coins.
- 5 digit display.
- Measures: 335 x 330 x 266 mm.
- Weight: 5 Kg.
Link to purchase the Counter 800:
Counter 800
Link to buy second hand Counter 800:
Counter 800 pre-owned
The machine can be purchased at Countermatic's physical points in Madrid and Barcelona:
Madrid, C/ Monteverde n. 22. Tel. 917 41 01 69
Barcelona, C/ Jeroni de Moragas, n. 22. Tel. 938 49 79 62.
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