Where can I buy a counterfeit note detector for fake notes?
At Countermatic we recommend to buy a counterfeit banknote detector in a professional Cash Handling Company.
It's very important to buy an updatable banknote counterfiet detector since the ECB is issuing new Euro banknotes.
Another very important feature of the banknote detector is the speed of reading and athentifying banknotes.
At Countermatic, you will receive the advice of a professional for the best choice according to your needs.
It will inform you when and how to Update a counterfeit detector.
What maintenance you will need to do.
You will enjoy the guarantee of a brand like Countermatic with a Permanent for Customer Service Telephone and its own Technical Service.
Information about the EU regulations regarding the detection of banknotes.
News about the new issue of banknotes by the European Central Bank.
Information on other related Cash Handling products such as banknote counters, coin counters and sorters, cash drawers, among others.
You can contact a professional of our company in our offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Lisbon and other cities through our distributors network
Our range of counterfeit banknote detectors can be purchased on our website or by calling us directly.
You can contact us at our European Sales Office in Barcelona
Barcelona- +34 938404609
It's very important to buy an updatable banknote counterfiet detector since the ECB is issuing new Euro banknotes.
Another very important feature of the banknote detector is the speed of reading and athentifying banknotes.
At Countermatic, you will receive the advice of a professional for the best choice according to your needs.
It will inform you when and how to Update a counterfeit detector.
What maintenance you will need to do.
You will enjoy the guarantee of a brand like Countermatic with a Permanent for Customer Service Telephone and its own Technical Service.
Information about the EU regulations regarding the detection of banknotes.
News about the new issue of banknotes by the European Central Bank.
Information on other related Cash Handling products such as banknote counters, coin counters and sorters, cash drawers, among others.
You can contact a professional of our company in our offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Lisbon and other cities through our distributors network
Our range of counterfeit banknote detectors can be purchased on our website or by calling us directly.
You can contact us at our European Sales Office in Barcelona
Barcelona- +34 938404609
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