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New Euro Notes 2013

New Euro Notes 2013
The ECB plans new bills to avoid forgery.

· Current security measures for tickets are not enough.

· More than 500,000 fake tickets were withdrawn from circulation in 2006.


The European Central Bank plans to replace the current bills for new ones that will enter into circulation in 2013 to try to put an end to the worrying falsification of euro banknotes that occur in the EU, according to Consumer Eroski magazine.


For now, the ECB is conducting consultations among the group of users to determine which are the best features that the new tickets must have and which citizens can more easily detect when it comes to a counterfeit ticket.


The new tickets will have the same values ​​(5,10,20,50,100,200,500), will be of the same colors and sizes, but will include new security measures. The old euros will gradually withdraw from circulation.


How to know if a ticket is false?


Consumer sums up the four badges that have euro bills to know if they are false:


· Ticket value: On the left side, the bills present if there are discontinuous lines that form the number of their value backlit.


· Safety thread: narrow and long strip. Below is the word euro and the value of the ticket.


· Watermark: Footprint that can be observed by placing the ticket on a dark surface.


· Holographic patch that reveals the symbol of the euro along with the value figure.


More than half a million bogus tickets in 2006


According to data provided by the European Central Bank, in the second half of 2006, 265,000 false tickets were withdrawn from the market, compared with 300,000 in the first half and 286,000 in the second half of 2005.

Of the detected banknotes, 36% correspond to bills of € 20, 31% to bills of 50 and 24% to bills of 100 euros.

It is very convenient to know all the security features of a Euro ticket and get acquainted as soon as possible, in order to protect your business from fake tickets, it is advisable to use a fake ticket detector that is certified by the Bank of Spain and the Central Bank European.

    This will avoid doubts about suspicious tickets.
    It will give its clients the total confidence that false company does not circulate in their company.

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