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If you have to deposit the coins at the Bank with Bags

If you have to deposit the coins at the Bank with Bags

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  • Do you need a coin counter?
    If you need a coin counter in this article we will show you two models of counters available in Countermatic that can be great to you. The Counter 800 is made to handle small and medium volumes of coins, and the Pelican 309 designed to handle a higher volume of coins.
  • Roches Pub, located in Ireland, has chosen our Counter 800 to handle their cash.
    Our Counter 800 coin sorter is great for cash handling. This is what they have found at the Roches Pub, Ireland, where they have relied on the Counter 800 to handle their cash.
  • How to save your coins.
    For many businesses with a large coins volume it is necessary to store them to take them to the bank or to make them easier to count and transport. At countermatic we have various solutions for bagging coins.
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