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How to choose a rotating Security Tablet Stand

How to choose a rotating Security Tablet Stand
  • How to choose a rotating Security Tablet Stand
  • How to choose a rotating Security Tablet Stand
  • How to choose a rotating Security Tablet Stand
  • How to choose a rotating Security Tablet Stand
  • How to choose a rotating Security Tablet Stand
When we have the need to install one or more tablets at a counter, the first thing we think is on the security. The possibility of theft or damage of the tablet is very high.

It also, the Tablet must be accessible to the client to be able to consult the information that we want to transmit, tourist information,  product information, services, etc.

Depending on the type of business, the design also plays an important part when choosing the Rotating Security Tablet Stand . In order to comply with these two requirements, security and accessibility to the client, we need to choose a Stand  that meets these requierements

To comply with the security, the stand must be anchored to the counter and the tablet to the Stand. To do this, we must choose a Rotating Safety Stand with a foot ready for easy anchoring to the counter, either by screws or with extra-strong double-sided adhesive.

The double-sided adhesives offer the advantage of a quick installation and little harmful to the furniture or counter offering total security. Once we have the foot of the tablet security stand anchored to the counter, the tablet must be able to be hooked to the swivel back plate adapter safely, using extra-strong double-sided adhesive.

The rotating back plate  adapter in turn attaches to the foot of the tablet's security stand, being perfectly anchored. To be able to lift the rotating adapter from the safety stand's foot, a key must be used, since the safety lock is located on the back of the foot. In this way, we have a Rotating Security Stand perfectly anchored to the counter and the tablet hooked to the Stand by means of the adapter that can only be removed by opening the lock of the safety Stand.

Can we rotate the tablet once installed?

The answer is yes, since the back plate  adapter rotates on the foot of the safety Stand.

With Countermatic's rotating security Stands, you can offer your clients all the information you want with total security and offering accessibility to your clients.

We have different designs of  Tablets Security Stands as well as having Stands for the main tablets on the market, iPads and Samsung tablets among others.

We also have Universal Tablets Stands, adjustable according to the measurements. For additional information, please contact us at  our offices in Barcelona.


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