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At the beginning of this 2023, the eurozone has been expanded with the introduction of Croatia. It is the twentieth country that currently uses the euro. On 1st January, 2023, the euro started its circulation, and the Croatian kunas have been gradually replaced.

Until the 31st December, 2023, croats are allowed to exchange their currencies, making this transition as smooth as possible. Those who have already made the change or need help organizing their new coins, at Countermatic we have different solutions to keep this new cash under control.

The different resources that we provide to Croatia to control its cash are the following:

  • Cash drawers.
  • Money Pouches.
  • Coin rolls.
  • Bill counters with counterfeit bill detectors.
  • Coin counting and sorting machines.

These resources will allow the croats to keep the new cash organized and controlled. Also taking into account the possibility of counting and detecting possible cash scams.

Among them, the money pouches allow you to organize cash in coins and bills, for personnel who have to carry it with them. Inside the pouch there are different dispensers for coins, and several compartments to store bills. All this covered with a lid and fastened around the waist by means of a belt.

The different facilities are designed exclusively for euro coins and banknotes, so that, with the transition to the euro in Croatia, at Countermatic we are willing to help Croatian citizens and provide them the best solutions.

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