The eurozone has undergone an expansion, thanks to the introduction of the twentieth country in the use of the euro, during the beginning of this year 2023. The euro began to circulate in Croatia on 1st January, 2023, replacing, the national currency until then, the kunas
The exchange of the Croatian currencies, has permission to make the change until 31st December, 2023, allowing this transition with total fluidity. For those who have already made the change and need help organizing this new cash, at Countermatic we provide different solutions to keep it under control, both coins and bills.
The different resources that we provide to Croatia to control its cash are the following:
- Cash drawers.
- Money Pouches.
- Coin rolls.
- Bill counters with counterfeit bill detectors.
- Coin counting and sorting machines.
All these resources will provide many benefits to the Croats with their new cash, because it can be organized and controlled. In addition to making counts with total ease, and detecting possible banknote deceit.
Among them, the coin rolls allow you to store, organize and count coins quickly and easily. The blister packs we have are of the following denominations: 0.01cts, 0.02cts, 0.05cts, 0.10cts, 0.20cts, 0.50cts, 1€ and 2€. By storing the coins in these rolls, their transportation and counting is much easier. The denominations are distinguished, thanks to the colors of the blister packs.
Countermatic resources have formats designed exclusively for euro coins and bills, so that, with the transition to the euro, at Countermatic we are willing to help and provide the best solutions to Croats.
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