Countermatic note counters are ready to count the new 10 euro note
Countermatic note counters and counterfeit detectors are ready to count the new 10 Euro note which it 'll be issued by the European Central Bank on September 23, 2014.
The new machines could be updated by USB port or SD card while the old ones can be updated by USB and the software can be downloaded from our web site.
The following models are ready to read and detect the new notes:
New Chicago
New Chicago Multicurrency
New Boston C
New Boston V
Portable note counter Kepler
Since the models above have the new software to count and detect the new 5 and 10 euro notes, they will need to be update on 2015.
The counter counters and counterfeit Countermatic counterfeit detectors already have the software to count and detect the new 10-euro bill that will be issued by the Bank of Spain on September 23, 2014.
In Countermatic we have worked to offer our clients our models of counters and detectors of updated bills to be able to count the new bill of 10 euros as well as to detect the possible counterfeit bills of this new ticket of next emission.
The counters and banknote detectors that are served from mid-April of 2014 will already incorporate the new software to count and authenticate the new series of euro bills of € 5 and € 10. In this way, these new meters and detectors should not be updated until 2015.
The future update of these machines can be done by connecting the counter or the detector to the computer through a USB port or simply by changing the SD card containing the new software.
The models of counters and banknote detectors that will enter the SD card will be:
Bill validator New Boston V
Ticket counter New Boston C
New Chicago counterfeit detector
Multicurrency counterfeit detector New Chicago USD / Euro / CHF
Ticket validator Portable Kepler
These models will incorporate the SD card from the month of April 2014. The previously sold units must be updated by USB port using the update cable.
For more information, you can contact our office in Madrid or Barcelona or send an email to the following address:
In Countermatic we have worked to offer our clients our models of counters and detectors of updated bills to be able to count the new bill of 10 euros as well as to detect the possible counterfeit bills of this new ticket of next emission.
The counters and banknote detectors that are served from mid-April of 2014 will already incorporate the new software to count and authenticate the new series of euro bills of € 5 and € 10. In this way, these new meters and detectors should not be updated until 2015.
The future update of these machines can be done by connecting the counter or the detector to the computer through a USB port or simply by changing the SD card containing the new software.
The models of counters and banknote detectors that will enter the SD card will be:
Bill validator New Boston V
Ticket counter New Boston C
New Chicago counterfeit detector
Multicurrency counterfeit detector New Chicago USD / Euro / CHF
Ticket validator Portable Kepler
These models will incorporate the SD card from the month of April 2014. The previously sold units must be updated by USB port using the update cable.
For more information, you can contact our office in Madrid or Barcelona or send an email to the following address:
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Note counter with counterfeit detection
Banknote counter and sorters' store in Madrid, Spain , Telf. +(34) 917410168, Monteverde,22 Madrid 28042