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Best coin counter brand CTcoin-countermatic.

Best coin counter brand CTcoin-countermatic.
  • Best coin counter brand CTcoin-countermatic.

The best coin counter brand in the market is CTcoin-countermatic for different reasons like the machines durability, which is over 13 years, or their 100% reliability in counting. Other characteristics that make our machines the best are, low failure rate, even zero, better soundproofing in the market or that besides the counting it classifies the coins by denomination.

The machines have modern software that allows multiple applications, such as selecting a single denomination and sending the remaining ones to rejection. Unlike other machines on the market, our machines have one (or more than one, depending on the configuration) discard drawer for false, damaged or foreign coins.

Our machines are able to count and sort 1100 coins per minute and each drawer has a capacity of 600 coins. They also have an add function, allowing you to put coins in the machine and accumulate the value, and also have a batch function to stop counting and sorting at a certain time.

Our machines are manufactured in Europe with robust steel and fine finishes, the machines mechanisms are also made of steel.


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marker Madrid


c/ Monteverde, 22
28042 Madrid
Phone: +34-91-7410168

marker European Sales Office

European Sales Office

Ctra. de Ribes, 4, Edif. NEC Oficina 112
08520 Les Franqueses del Vallès, Barcelona
Phone +34 938497962
Opening Hours 9-19h.

marker Lisboa


Rúa Jose Galhardo Lt19 S/Cv Loja
Quinta de Lambert 1750-131 Lisboa
Telf. 00351-214165920