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Autolavados la Ballena trusts Countermatic to sort and store its coins with our blister packs.

Autolavados la Ballena trusts Countermatic to sort and store its coins with our blister packs.
Autolavados la Ballena is a chain of petrol stations and car washes with many establishments in Madrid and Barcelona, the blisters are widely used in this type of business with a high volume of coins as it allows you to store and have counted coins, and can be entered directly into the bank with the blisters.

With the Countermatic coin blister bag you can store and count the coins in your business or home, and you can also enter them in the bank as the Countermatic coin blisters are approved according to European regulations for entry into the bank.

The bag contains 25 blister packs for each denomination of euro coin from 0.01 cent to 2 euros.
In total there are 200 blister packs and all the blister packs in the bag can hold up to 2.500 Euro coins of all Euro denominations.

Other features of the cartridges are:

  • Indication in relief and Braille of the total number of coins and total value per cartridge.
  • Transparent colour per denomination according to European standards.
  • Reusable cartridges.
  • They have an extra button to hold the coins.


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  • Organise your coins with the Countermatic coin packs.
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marker Madrid


c/ Monteverde, 22
28042 Madrid
Phone: +34-91-7410168

marker European Sales Office

European Sales Office

Ctra. de Ribes, 4, Edif. NEC Oficina 112
08520 Les Franqueses del Vallès, Barcelona
Phone +34 938497962
Opening Hours 9-19h.

marker Lisboa


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Quinta de Lambert 1750-131 Lisboa
Telf. 00351-214165920