New 5 Euro notes software upgrade
Since the appearance of the new 5 Euro note, Countermatic has updated more than 6000 counterfeit detectors as well as hundreds of Euro banknote detectors.
The issuance of the new 5-euro note has been a major challenge for the monies industry. It has obliged to update the counting meters of euro banknotes sold in previous years.
For Countermatic, it is a great satisfaction that our customers will listen to our recommendation to acquire up-to-date counterfeit counters and detectors.
Thanks to our recommendation and good acceptance by the customer, we have been able to update all the machines avoiding our customers having to acquire new machines to count and detect Euro banknotes that accept the new ticket of 5 euros.
At Countermatic we are working to prepare the software that will allow us to count and detect the new 10 Euro banknote that will be issued by the European Central Bank next year.
We would like to thank our clients for their confidence in Countermatic over the last few years.
For more information about the new euro banknotes, you can contact our offices in Madrid or Barcelona.
Madrid: 00-34-917410168
Barcelona: 00-34-938404609
Customer Service: 629126829
The issuance of the new 5-euro note has been a major challenge for the monies industry. It has obliged to update the counting meters of euro banknotes sold in previous years.
For Countermatic, it is a great satisfaction that our customers will listen to our recommendation to acquire up-to-date counterfeit counters and detectors.
Thanks to our recommendation and good acceptance by the customer, we have been able to update all the machines avoiding our customers having to acquire new machines to count and detect Euro banknotes that accept the new ticket of 5 euros.
At Countermatic we are working to prepare the software that will allow us to count and detect the new 10 Euro banknote that will be issued by the European Central Bank next year.
We would like to thank our clients for their confidence in Countermatic over the last few years.
For more information about the new euro banknotes, you can contact our offices in Madrid or Barcelona.
Madrid: 00-34-917410168
Barcelona: 00-34-938404609
Customer Service: 629126829
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Counterfeit Banknote detector in our offices in Madrid at Monteverde nº 22, 28042 Madrid. Store for the purchase and rental of banknote counters in Madrid, Spain