Cartera Taxistes
A professional Euro Waiter Purse with special designed coin holder.
It stores coins and notes very easily, so that it help waiters, barmen drivers saving much time for charges.
It can hold banknotes and coins and can be used for corner shops, restaurants, gas stations, taxi drivers etc
Wallet Pulling Force Pulling force >2000N
Coin Tube Tray Material ABS
Spring Steel Wire
Product Dimensions 210 x 75 x 100 mm
Weight 0.35kg
It stores coins and notes very easily, so that it help waiters, barmen drivers saving much time for charges.
It can hold banknotes and coins and can be used for corner shops, restaurants, gas stations, taxi drivers etc
Wallet Pulling Force Pulling force >2000N
Coin Tube Tray Material ABS
Spring Steel Wire
Product Dimensions 210 x 75 x 100 mm
Weight 0.35kg
Notícies relacionades
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Cartera professional per a cambrers perfecta per poder fer transaccions en terrasses, pàrquings, hotels, etc. La cartera permet tenir el bitllet i la moneda classificada en tot moment per la seva gran capacitat d'emmagatzematge d'efectiu.